A technological renaissance: from the dawn of the Internet to the new era
There are many people on the planet who know how to interact with technology, some consume it, others produce it, but the vast majority see it from a distance and many others talk about it but do not dare to interact with it and use it in their lives.
In business and life, regardless of the executive level, they understand that technology exists, but they have a hard time seeing the real impact it can have on their organizations or their environment.
Our objective at NetInterBusiness.org is based on reducing the technological gap that exists in this evolution towards a better world.
In the world of technology, every second a new life, idea, development or improvement is born that will impact our future and we try to keep up to date in order to help fill the gap between those who know and those who do not yet.
Based on the historical records of the civilizations that preceded us, we have rediscovered almost all of our history as a species. Thanks to science and technology, we have conquered new frontiers beyond what we thought possible and our challenge is to expand the network of interconnection for the benefit of our present and future humanity.
Technological Transformation: A Paradigm Shift
Since before 1900, we have been making astonishing technological leaps, shaping our lives at a speed that defies the laws of physics. Who would say the Wright brothers today?
In 1972, when Vint Cerf was laying the foundations of the Internet, another new technological revolution was beginning.
For some years now, we have found ourselves on the brink of a new era, a digital renaissance, where the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds are blurred.
Cerf's unwavering belief in the Internet's potential to transform society has inspired and enabled new generations of innovators and entrepreneurs who bear witness to the power of human ingenuity and the limitless possibilities that technology can open up.
An era of interconnection - net
As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, we find ourselves immersed in a digital era characterized by unprecedented interconnection. The Internet has become an integral part of our lives shaping the vast majority of how we communicate, work, learn and envision our future.
The dizzying pace of technological change can be overwhelming for some and for others we often lack the time and resources to keep up with the latest trends.
That's where NIB - NetInterBusiness.org comes in.
We leverage our knowledge and time to research the technologies that we believe have positively impacted our personal, work and educational lives.
We want to extend our expertise to all who need it in personal, business and educational aspects, helping to level up those who need it.
This interconnected network of people must generate benefits in both directions. We believe that technology has allowed us to reduce social loss and generate truths, exchanges at a planetary level for now. Evolution has taken us from barter to business where the parties maximize their utility function.
NetInterBusiness.org or NIB will generate indicators of gaps in our human technological evolution from the most trivial aspects to where you want and move us, always based on principles of individual freedom, respect, tolerance and ownership over creation and personal development.